You’ll be one of the lucky few if you don’t have a problem with one of these! You will need to get on top of them as soon as possible or they will take over your lawn with a vengeance.

Pull larger weeds & their roots out by hand, or depending on their variety, spray them with a broad-leaved herbicide which targets general weeds such as bindi and clover but will not kill your lawn (lawns aren’t broad-leaved plants, so they’re immune to those specific herbicides).

Most Pests problems can be treated with an application of a lawn insecticide followed by a light watering in. This is best to be completed in late afternoon to early evening as insects are at their most active after dark.

If you’re having ongoing struggles growing your grass – particularly in dry and shady areas – then consider changing your turf variety to one better suited to your climate and conditions. Eureka Kikuyu and Nullarbor Couch are two varieties that can withstand plenty of sun and heat. Shade tolerant varieties such as Sir Walter Buffalo are your best bet for places that don’t get much sun.